Bright Little Happiness, Chicken-Curry Style
A Magnifying Glass

Alphabet Me

I discovered this meme, which is really a scrapbooking challenge, on my friend Sophia's blog. Again...another simple entry as I am recuperating from last week!

A Aphrodisiac. What turns you on?  Hmmm...on a less personal level, kindness.

B BFF. Who’s your best friend? My friend Chris

C Celeb. Favorite? Most annoying? I'm not really into the whole celeb thing. I do admire celebrities who truly help those less fortunate, and those who are intelligent. My least-favorite celeb, though, is hands-down Jennifer Lopez. She annoys me to no end!

D Drink. What’s your poison? Lately, seriously, it's been water. I've been addicted to Pepsi off and on since I was fifteen. Right now I am trying SO hard to kick the soda habit for good. In December I was drinking one 44 ounce Pepsi every day (44 ounces with lots of ice, but still...and I wonder why I am so chubby?). Now I've gone 11 days without any soda save a random Sprite here and there.

E Everyday essentials. What do you use everyday? My computer, a notebook and a pen for writing, something to read. Also perfume; I wear specific perfumes during different times of the year. Hugs from my children and tucking them into bed (I hope they will always want me to tuck them in, every single night until they grow up and move away).

F Fav. color. What’s your signature color? Black is my signature color---the color I wear more than any other and reach for over and over, but green and purple are my favorite colors.

G Groove. What music are you enjoying today? My "No Ghosts" play list. "No ghosts" my short hand for "songs that I like and don't haunt me with any painful memories." Right now it's "Jane Says" by Jane's Addiction, which reminds me of the day Becky and I hiked Timp.

H Hot! Who’s hot? Who’s not? My hubbie is hot. Seriously---he gets so hot when we're sleeping. And as I get so cold when we're sleeping, I am always appreciative of his hot calves to hold my cold toes against. Viggo as Aragorn is also hot, especially in the third movie at the very end, when he finally sees Arwen and realizes she's alive. And this will of course only make sense to other LotR geeks!

I Indulgence. Dish about your guilty pleasure. OK---hope this doesn't sound weird. But my guilty pleasure is cream. I don't let myself buy it very often because when I have it in the fridge, I cannot resist pouring a thick sludge of it across my cereal in the morning. Of course, it looks a little weird against the skim-milk background, but the sparse-versus-decadent thing works for me. Heaven, in my opinion, is hot cream of wheat with cold cream and fresh raspberries.

J {dream} Job. What would you do? Writing. Writing successful novels, writing poems people read. Making a living with words: that's been my dream job since I was fifteen.

K Kitchen Companion. Most used item in your kitchen? My toaster oven. Seriously---I don't know how anyone exists without a toaster oven!

L Life is incomplete without. . . ? Time with my children, laughing with my husband, solitude, time for books, being outside. And flannel sheets.

M Mc. . . What would you "Mc"? McPensive.

N Natural or dyed? I wish I had the moola to color my hair all the time, but alas, I don' it's usually natural.

O Outrageous Outfit. What’s hiding your closet that you’re dying to wear? A pair of leggings I bought at Old Navy. Can I tell you how much I loved leggings in the 80s? Only after I bought them did I realize that my body now is nothing like it was in the 80s! Maybe once I've lost 30 pounds.

P Pet Peeve. What makes you absolutely crazy? Slow drivers. I try to not let this bug me, but it does. Also spelling/grammar errors in published, public places. I saw a detour sign---an official, orange detour sign---spelled "detuor." How annoying is that?

Q Quote. Share some inspiration. "The richness of the human experience would lose something of rewarding joy if there were no limitations to overcome." --- Helen Keller

R Restaurant you give rave reviews. The Brick Oven, where we had lunch this afternoon with the kids, after seeing a movie. This is a little restaurant right off the BYU campus that serves the most divine pizza and pasta. If you're ever in Provo, eat there!

S Starbucks order. Would you believe that the only time I've been in a Starbucks was in New York City, and that for a quick bathroom stop. I can't start with coffee, as it would exceed my Pepsi addictions. I'm more of a hot chocolate girl anyway.

T Television. What keeps you glued to the couch? CSI New York (I've loved Gary Sinise since he played Lenny in Of Mice and Men; no matter what role he's in, he has kind eyes), Grey's Anatomy. I've also never missed an episode of ER, but it's starting to lose its appeal for me and I hope this is its last season.

U Ultimate Vacation Destination: Ireland, Scotland, England. At least two months for hiking the Scottish Highlands, exploring castles, doing family research, and visiting geeky places like the Lake Country to see Wordsworth's daffodils.

V Virtual Babe Name. What’s your online ID? April Amy

W Wonder Woman. What woman leaves you in awe? So many! I look at many women and am amazed at everything they can accomplish.

X eX- gymnast, teacher, goth-girl. Or maybe I should go this way: exhausted. Did I mention it's been a long week?

Y Youth in a bottle. What keeps you feeling young at heart? I know the standard answer to this question is "my children," but honestly...mostly they make me realize how much of my life has already passed, when I think about all that they still have to do and all that I've already done. The thing that makes me feel young is being outside in nature.

Z Zodiac sign: Taurus


chris jenkins

oh this is a fun one! i am going to have to do this sometime soon! enjoyed reading your answers

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