Bright Little Happiness, Chicken-Curry Style
Monday, January 15, 2007
It's been a long week. I've had several experiences that've made me think I must blog about this, but the time just hasn't been there. I've got tons of emails to reply to, also. But I've barely sat down in front of my computer. I'm missing my blog. So I thought I'd just write down this quick story so at least I've done something this week, and hopefully last week's experiences will be in an entry coming soon to a blog near you.
So. Once my week finally slowed down today, I made a meal that requires more than bread, mayo, sandwich meat, and some thorougly non-healthy side dish: chicken curry. The actual cooking of the chicken curry requires nearly no time at all, but the cutting? Oh, the cutting. Three pounds of chicken breast (the worst part). Five carrots. Eight potatoes. One onion, three tart apples. Jake and Haley helped me with the cutting and chopping and dicing---Jake especially is a great potato/carrot peeler. Once I finally had everything diced and sauted and then into the big mess of curry, I realized I'd not seen Nathan for at least an hour. So I went to find him.
After looking at all his favorite haunts in our house, I found him hiding under my bedding. He was hot and sweaty and red-faced. "What are you doing, buddy?" I asked.
"I'm hiding."
"Hiding from what?"
"From dinner. I don't think I liked that curry!" His face crumpled and his voice went up in a wail at the word "curry."
I didn't even giggle at him hiding for ages from dinner. (Even though it is still making me smile.) I talked to him a bit about expanding his culinary horizons. And guess who ate almost the most ("almost" because no one can out-eat Jakey) out of all the kids at dinner?
I needed that bright little happiness to start my hopefully-more-peaceful-and-less-filled-with-family-drama week!
LOL! Totally adorable story!
Posted by: Julie @BalzerDesigns | Monday, January 15, 2007 at 01:25 AM
Posted by: Kerry | Monday, January 15, 2007 at 05:24 AM