on a Rant
for Emily

Making Happy #1

I'm still in my funk. My grumpy, grumpy funk. I've still got Thanksgiving decorations piled up in my front room, waiting to be put away so that I can haul out the Christmas stuff. Except, I need a bigger box for them, and I've been to Target three times in the last 24 hours, and every single time I've gone, I've forgotten the Rubbermaid aisle.

Still, I've made a resolution. Maybe it's not a really wise choice, but right now I'm going with things. Things that make me happy. I know: things aren't supposed to make us happy, people are, right? But, well, I'm funk-ified right now. I'm going to try to focus on the happy things, the objects I love, surrounding myself with them, and see what happens. I've got Christmas music playing (must blog about how much I love the Tori Amos Christmas CD), and I've bought a few new little Christmas decorations (I'm trying to figure out how to hang glass balls along the ceiling vault without using nails, as nails in the wall are one of our household's Ten Deadly Sins) and a couple of Christmas gifts. And I got out my new Christmas quilt.Me quilt 01

Now, I have to say this: I stink at getting things done on time. I started this quilt last October, with the goal of using it during the 2008 Christmas season. I finished the piecing really quickly (probably because the squares are pretty simple), and I found someone to quilt it for me (because I can't do that on my machine), and I sewed the binding onto the front. But that was as far as I got. I finished sewing the binding onto the back in January. Yeah: so not on time. But at least it was ready to go this year.

It is de-funk-iifying me, just a little bit.

Kaleb and I snuggled underneath it last night while I read him his three bedtime stories. I remembered that I love this quilt. I love the fabric. Me quilt 02
It's the Mary Englebreit line, and holy cow: I love her stuff. Then I found a different line that worked well with the Mary E one, the fabric with the white swirls. Oh! I love that too. Plus, the back. I love a pieced back.

Me quilt back

Pretty, and swirly, and paisley. And cute. A Making Happy thing if I've ever had one.

So! Here's a challenge for those of you who are also in a funk. Find a thing that makes you happy. Use it and admire it and love it. See if it doesn't help your funk, just a little bit. Maybe even blog about it!

P.S. Gift of Words starts tomorrow, but you can still sign up through the ninth, if you're interested! 



It's beautiful! Let me know if you need anything.


Gorgeous quilt!


As long as you're in a funk, you may as well do the 'Funky Chicken'. That might make things better, if not long-term, at least temporarily during the time you let loose.
By the way, the quilt IS beautiful. Happy Holidays.


That is beautiful! Good luck with the de-funkifying.

(Firefox's spellchecker says "de-funkifying" is not a word--can you believe it?)


Beautiful quilt. Looking forward to your class.


Oh your quilt makes me happy, too. It IS good to surround ourselves with happifying things. I love ME, too. I want to see your quilt in person. Come to think of it, I want to see YOU in person--I have missed sitting by you in RS the last couple of weeks!

I also love pieced backs--so cute!


The quilt is wonderful!!! Seriously. I have bought Christmas fabric for two different quilts & never finished them. July seems to early & November seems too late. December & January seem to be just right.

I frequently go to a website called The Happiness Project - she has great ideas for finding more happiness.


AWESOME - love that quilt! Sometimes you just have to love things to get you in a better frame of mind!

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