An Excess of Fabulousness (or: why I don't read Mormon Mommy Blogs)
Right Now: Present Participles

Randomalities: Let's Be Positive Now

Here is the truth: I am stuck with a case of the January grumpies. It started on Sunday morning, when I woke up really, really annoyed. Who knows why? But here it is, Friday, and I'm still a little bit bitchy. OK, maybe I'm always a little bit. And now I am a LOT. So here's my attempt to find the silver lining in all my storm clouds (randomalities-style)

  • Kaleb lost his first tooth on Sunday. It really wasn't super-loose, but he was watching an episode of Super Why (while I lay in bed and tried to get my grumpiness under control) about the tooth fairy, and suddenly he wanted it out. Kendell pulled it—I am not a tooth puller. The sound it makes coming out makes me want to hurl. There was still a long, pointy root on's very Seussian. I stayed in bed with the covers over my head during the tooth extraction. Bawling. The tooth is just another sign that my baby is growing up. Soon he'll be 14 or so and think I'm the worst mom ever. How do you cope with teenagers when you don't simultaneously have a little one who says sweet things like "Mom, you look beautiful"?
  • My wonderful friend Jamie has been instrumental in me getting my (growing-larger) butt out of bed three times a week at an unholy hour to go to spin class. As I've not exercised since Halloween, this has been a good thing. It's also made me gain two pounds. It's all muscle, right?
  • My email is fixed. Dear gmail person who thought it'd be cool to mark my email address as spam: hey, thanks. that was an AWESOME week of bouncing mail to any and all gmail accounts. Not to mention the fact that every email I sent to a gmail address sent back fifteen "transfer delayed" emails. SWEET! Thank you so much!
  • Noooooooooooo!!! Between writing that bullet and this one, I started getting the gmail bouncing thing again. CURSES!!!!! Where'd my Positive go? If you have a gmail address and are waiting for an email from me, it might be awhile.
  • You know that "no white after Labor Day" rule? I generally ignore it, but I think I might have to take it back up. When winter comes, my back gets itchy. My back and my scalp. I know it's from the cold and the dryness and have yet to find a solution. I just scratch and scratch and scratch. It's great for the shoulder flexibility, scratching your own back. Anyway, last night after work when I was getting into my PJs, I pulled off my white undertease, I discovered a great big bloody spot right over my left shoulderblade. SWEET! Scratching till you bleed = why you shouldn't wear white in the winter.
  • Fast story my bloody back reminded me of: one night I was happily scrapbooking. Cutting out stuff with an Exacto. Got a back itch and, without thinking, scratched it. With my Exacto. Was glad I didn't need stitches for the long gash I carved into my very own back at 1:15 in the morning. Are you laughing now? I hope so. Your laughter totally dispels my grumpiness.
  • I love this song by Pink:


(Those are PENNY snatchers, not whatever else you're thinking.) OK, it's a little raunchy and the video might be shocking. I DID buy the clean version! But I still love it, maybe because I am definitely too school for cool.

What holds (sort of) your January grumpiness at bay? Or do you just indulge in grumpiness???


Pat Passamonte

Hi Amy, I've wanted to send you a comment for days now, but I've got no time and too much to say. So let me just say, hang in there! Seems like a few deep issues are eating at you. Time heals. I can so relate to what you're going through, but again, I'm moments away from a big meeting (Sigh!) Have a good weekend. Get some rest, be extra nice to yourself.

Becky K

I'm wallowing in the grumpiness, trying day by day to pull out of it. I think it's a combo of cold weather, bills from Christmas (you mean we have to pay for all that sh**???) no sunshine, and pent-up kids (my kids have been off track since DECEMBER 22. Can you say cabin fever for me and them?). I definitely need some alone time!!!

Maybe we ate something at Christmas that gave us the grumpies. Was it in the potatoes? :)


I'm sorry that your grumpy. Did you know that January 17th is statistically the most depressing day of the year? You were just a day ahead of schedule! I bought some bacon chocolate today. I'll have my hubby leave a piece on your porch for you if you think it will make you feel better.

I work out to that song by Pink every morning. The clean version, of course, although I accidentally bought the NOT clean version first. Lost $1.29 on that one!


Now wait- I have seen you at 5 am 5 times in the last 2 weeks and you've been nothing but sweet! That's your hour girlfriend. 5am! :)

ps I was so tired today I was sick. Next week I am getting more sleep if we're going to keep doing this. so why am I still up???? second wind I guess. I could have gone to bed several times between noon and 8pm and now I'm flying. being up late with absolute quiet...... priceless. Hope my kid is good for you tonight. not too loud. no peein' in the hall.... ;)


yikes for the exacto. totally the kind of thing I would be doing!! if you have problems with gmail again, just email me ok? i have some friends who work in that group and can do my best to help.


January, Feb. and March are usually the three hardest months of the year for me. I slide into seasonal depression and a total funk.

This January, strangely enough, it still hasn't hit.

Plus, today I actually felt GOOD! It has been so long that it was almost shocking to have a whole day where I felt really good! John says perhaps the hormones are finally kicking in and balancing out my whacked out system. We'll see if it holds through tomorrow ... and the rest of Jan.

Sorry for your funk though. Since it is January, I feel that you are entitled!

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