Book Grandma
An Excess of Fabulousness (or: why I don't read Mormon Mommy Blogs)


Yesterday I drove my sister to the airport so she and my mom could take her daughters on a cruise. It was a cold, grey, smoggy, drizzly morning and the thought of going somewhere with sunlight, warmth, and color was tantalizing (to say the least). As I drove home (after hanging out with my bestie at the mall, where I discovered that I might just not ever find another bra that actually fits me because apparently my size is rarer than any known precious metal, a fact that decidedly doesn't make me feel unique or special, but fairly freakish in relation to The Girls) I was thinking about wishes. You know...the things you wish you could do with your life if you were somehow bequeathed with plenty of money and time. Probably none of these wishes will ever come true because, well...if you fail to plan, you plan to fail I suppose. (Cliche, but a true one.) Still, I wanted to write them down, the Fabulous, Impossible Things (that Money Can Buy) I Wish For (while knowing I'll more than likely never have them):

  1. A Cabin in the Woods. Somewhere remote but not terribly; near a lake large enough to water ski on but small enough to not draw big crowds. Somewhere with seasons, trees, hiking trails, and wildlife. A structure big enough for extended family parties, elegantly designed, with big windows to frame those beautiful vistas, cozy rooms with fireplaces, and lots of nooks and crannies. And quilts, of course. Quilts everywhere.
  2. Travels to Europe. I really, really want to hike the Swiss Alps. Eat cheese, pasta, and gelato in Italy. Visit art museums in France. Tour Germany. I'd like to visit all the literary places in Great Britain and spend as long as I wanted doing family history research there. Explore Ireland. While there are other places in the world I'd also like to see (like, say, Easter Island, and New Zealand, and the Scandinavian fjords), Europe is on the top of my list.
  3. My dream home. It really wouldn't be much bigger than the house I have now. It would just be designed better, and everyone would have their own room. And the master bath would have its own bathtub (we just have a shower in ours). If I were really dreaming big I'd also want my own office/ library/personal room where I could write, scrapbook, sew, and read. What I would want a whole lot bigger is the yard. Ours is tiny, and too shady now for a vegetable garden. I want trees and vegetables! And a big spot for raspberry canes and blackberry bushes.
  4. A Mustang. OK, that's a little bit embarrassing to admit. I'm not really a car girl. My dad used to say that cars are only good for one thing: getting you from point A to point B. Everything else was a bonus. Of course, the fact that he considered brake lights, seat belts, and a working gas gage to be "bonus" might detract from the validity of his reasoning, but my point is, I've never been one to lust over fast, fancy cars. Except I still have a thing for Mustangs. Have since I was 16 or so. They're fast and sleek and powerful and just work for me, somehow.
  5. The ability to help other people. I wish I could, say, sponsor a scholarship. Or go on service trips to third world countries. (Exactly how I could help there is anyone's guess, of course, because teaching them to enjoy reading probably wouldn't be the way to rescue anyone.) Or secretly pay off someone's mortgage.

All of that said, though, I know I have a lot to be grateful for. I'm not complaining. Just wishing. And curious: do you have Fabulous, Impossible Things you wish for?



A yard! A garden! A dining room so we can have lots of people over to eat.

A better wardrobe, because I am extremely shallow.

Pat Passamonte

I'd just like to live not-by-the-clock. I'd like to get up, go to sleep, eat, read, whatever when I want to instead of when I have to. Sounds pretty simple, doesn't it!


1. I want to pay off my parents house.
2. Make sure all 9 of my nieces and nephews can go to college.
3. Buy a second house in a small little remote town where we can have family reunions.
4. Not have to work full time.
5. Buy a new car ( under $30,000)
6. And, like you, help others (send a poor family on a vacation of a lifetime, pay someone's medical bills, etc.)


Oh man, I want my own studio. Though maybe we should start with a house. And I'd like to walk into Barnes & Noble & see my books there. And I'd like to say "No" to all the time-suckers. I suppose all of those are non-impossible things. I just need more time!!!

Kim D

Oh, Amy, I was so with you on the mustang, and then noticed the capital M and discovered you were talking about a car. I thought you were talking about a horse! I still mourn the horses I had to part with when I left home, and I always wanted a mustang. But I'd take a new Mustang car in a minute, too. And when you travel to Europe, please go to Greece and the Greek Isles.

Missouri Payday Loan

Amy, I think you can always help other people anytime on your own little way. Say for example, volunteer to teach children in the orphanage, in a way you can help them with their education.

Jody, it’s a great idea helping others by paying their medical bills. We all know that most people claim bankruptcy because of their huge medical bill that keeps on bubbling every month. It’s such a kind act to help them bring back their old life.

As for me, if there are things that I want to do are:
• To feed the hungry people of Africa
• Make Egypt find its PEACE
• Convince North Korea and other countries that possess nuclear bomb to cut its power for good and rather focus on the needs of their community.
• End all wars in the world
• Make all men respect every man’s religion and beliefs
• Uproot everyone’s greed

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