Only Looking Backward
Hobble Creek Half 2011 Race Report

Exquisite Autumn

On August 31, I went running at 8:30. It was already hot, the heat wafting up from the sidewalk in little waves, a palpable thing to shuffle through.

On September 1, I went running at 8:30. I stepped outside into cool air, the temperature of shade even in the sun; an unruffled wind lapped at my heels.

I can't think of another year when fall arrived so abruptly. Although even in the mountains the trees haven't started changing yet, the air has here in the valleys. It's cooled off just enough that I can enjoy the sunshine on my forehead again. The light is a different color, too, that golden hue of summer's end. Now we're a week into September; it's rained once and all the other days have been deliciously warm.

This afternoon I ate lunch outside on our back patio. I read my book while I ate, something I nearly always do when I'm eating alone. I looked at the mountains; I let the sun fall on my legs. The impeccable timing of literature happened when I read this sentence: "Who could sit here and look at this and not believe in the good intentions of the world?" (from the novel To Be Sung Underwater  by Tom McNeal)

Today, in the middle of an exquiste, perfect, early-autumn afternoon, I believe in nothing but the world's good intentions.


Becky K

Thursday was nothing short of miraculous. I ran on Friday and didn't even have to refill my water; in fact, I came home with some left in the bottle (where a week before I had gone through 2 before I got home - I love well-placed gas stations!) It is my favorite time of year for running. I went last night and didn't take water at all. I was faster than I've been in weeks - it was wonderful!!

I used to hate fall, but I love it now. The light is different; it reminds me of when Thomas was a newborn - that tinge of cold on the air even on the hot days, a constant reminder that fall is on it's way. And you are right - the trees aren't changing. We went up Parley's and over to Deer Creek on Monday and everything is still green. It must be due to our wet spring.

I could see Ragnar hill from my perch in the lake and it brought back such good memories! I can't drive through those canyons anymore without thinking of Ragnar. It's awesome.

I'll stop comment-hogging now. Sheesh.


I like the conclusion you draw . . . the world's good intentions.

It IS turning into a fantastic summer's end, isn't it?


Amy, I enjoyed our Write Now class, and I am now enjoying your blog. The weather in Portland OR is too hot to feel very autumny yet, but I know it (Autumn) will come soon. Here is the quote I used in my blog in October of 2010: "Delicious autumn! My very soul is wedded to it, and if I were a bird I would fly about the earth seeking the successive autumns." (George Eliot)


We are in what we call "Second Summer" (Indian Summer) but we never had the first one this year, so it feels good.

My birthday is the 31st, and I often note that even when we have summer, we go from the Dog Days to Fall by my birthday

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