Ragnar Race Report: First Leg
book note: Afterwards by Rosamund Lupton

July Goals

I can't believe it's July 1. I think the world has started spinning faster and no one has noticed, because seriously: how can it already be July 1? How can 2012 be half-way over? How can Christmas be in fewer than six months?

How can I not have accomplished much of anything in the past six months of my life?

Some goals I have for July 2012:

  • Blog more! I only blogged six times in June, which is almost a record low for me. I get all angsty and easily annoyed when I'm not writing regularly, and easily-annoyed is not a trait one wants around when the kids are home from school. I want to write about: my Mexico trip, the bigot thing (still!), the rest of my Ragnar experience, Cascade Springs road, more on my 40 series, a handful of books, and why I feel unnecessary (which isn't as Eeyore-ish as it sounds).
  • Laugh more! On the first night of our trip, when everyone was punch-drunk from too much driving-all-day-long, a combination of comments, asides, and a funny billboard made our Suburban-full of people (me, Jake, Nathan, Haley, Suzette, my mom, Breann, and Madi) start laughing hysterically. When we all calmed down, Haley said "Mom, I've never seen you laugh like that," and the boys agreed, and then I felt sort of sad because why don't my kids see me laughing? That is pathetic!
  • Get my fonts reorganized. We did a computer upgrade last month and I still don't have any of my fonts installed. (Long story as to why.) Instead of just dumping everything on, however, I'm going to be picky and only install what I really, really use. 1200+ fonts is just too many!
  • Start reading the Harry Potter series to Kaleb.
  • Spend more one-on-one time with each of my kids.
  • Finish three novels.
  • Finish writing and submit the two essays I've been putzing around with.
  • Reread The War of Art.
  • Go on a hike with my friend Chris.

What are you planning for July?


Becki Jones

I just love you Amy. You're so honest and open and I seriously admire that about you!!! I love your desire for goals and that you put them out there for all to see. Makes me desire to do that too!! You are a GREAT example and person...and for July...I hope to get through the month without too many tears. Grow closer to the girls at Girls Camp and help them know that I DO care and love them...when we go home to Minnesota...I hope to improve my relationships with siblings that have been REALLY lacking lately...and I want to smile more again too. Be happy...why does it seem so hard!?!?
I love you Amy...and seriously...thank you for being YOU!!

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